Betsy Greer - Filmmaker
Betsy Greer - Biography

Betsy Greer is a Producer, DP and editor at the University of California, Berkeley. She works with world renowned Professors to bring the energy and enthusiasm from the classroom to the online world.

Before moving to California Greer worked out of Boston as a freelance Producer, Sound Tech, DP and editor. Some of her work was with Athenahealth, CNN, MSNBC, Bravo, E!, MTV and reality shows such as “House Hunter’s Renovations” and “Full Throttle Saloon” on tru-TV.

Greer has worked with many sports’ networks including the 2007 World Series for MLB Productions. Since 2007, she has worked with NBA Entertainment, including the 2008 and 2010 NBA Finals. Also, NHL Studios for the 2011 Stanley Cup Finals.  Greer also spent time with the YES Network on Cape Cod working a story about the Cape Cod League.

Greer was also a full time faculty member at Bowling Green State University in the Department of Theatre and Film and Chapman Learning Community. Greer teaches courses in Intro to Film, Concept to Distribution, Video Shorts for Non-Profits, and Applied Aesthetics for the Moving Image.

Greer has a BS from Bowling Green State University, in Journalism, specializing in Broadcast Journalism. While at BGSU, Greer worked for WGBU-PBS in Bowling Green, Ohio and WNWO (NBC) in Toledo, Ohio.

Greer attended Emerson College. She earned her MA in Media Arts from Emerson College, specializing in Documentary Production. Greer returned to Emerson College and earned her MFA in Media Arts.

Greer has also taught production and theory classes at Emerson College.

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